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Showing posts with label connection. Show all posts

Friday, September 11, 2020

soul connection


What is a Soulmate?

Soulmates culture would have us believe that a soulmate is the perfect romantic partner. While it's true that soulmates can make the best partners, the pairing isn’t necessarily intimate, romantic or sexual in nature. Soulmates can play any role in your life including family members, colleagues, schoolmates, neighbours, strangers and yes, lovers. A soulmate is a person whose soul has a strong connection to your soul. Soul mate connections can be described in one of three ways: soul families, soul groups and twin flames. These groups are like branches of a very large tree. The tree is Source/Spirit, and we are all part of it. That means your soulmates are actually you at a higher vibration. While in human form, we resonate more strongly with souls who are on the same branch due to our similarities and shared backgrounds. In truth, we are all soulmates, but those souls who are closest to us evoke the strongest soul memories.

Soul Family

Soul family is the spiritual equivalent to your birth family here on Earth. They may take the form of a relative here on Earth or could be anyone in your life. When you meet them, they feel like your siblings, parents or children. You and your soul family share the same over-soul, so you are all aspects of the same soul.

Purpose of a soul family is to love, nurture, support, guide, protect and help you. Soul family members help align you with your soul’s purpose and will accelerate your spiritual growth.

Duration of Soul family relationships has the greatest longevity. Of any relationship, this is the one that will last a lifetime (and beyond). The connection provides such amazing love and support, that no other relationship can surpass.

Soul Group

Whether you know it or not, you are a multidimensional being of staggering proportions. You are more than meets the eye, much more — more than your body, more than your soul, in fact, you are an integral part of the Universe. You are present on many levels of reality simultaneously and more powerful than you have ever imagined. Are you ready to expand your concept of selfhood to include higher selves, other/parallel selves, and probable selves? If so then, let’s dive in! A soul group is akin to your Earthly friends, classmates and coworkers. Soul group member meetings are often triggered by significant life events, or they act as a catalyst for major life changes.

Purpose of Your soul group members is working on the same life assignments as you so they have matching or complementary life themes. They come into your life to help you achieve a shared spiritual objective.

Due to the purpose-driven nature of these connections, these relationships may not last. No matter how short or long-lived, these encounters may be, they always serve a higher purpose.
As a child, my upbringing has been in terms of being clean at heart being humble towards others, learn to forgive, and all the positive things. When I was a teenager I learned about karma and soul. If we keep our karmas clean our soul will be happy. In late teens like any other normal teenager, there were some attractions and hormonal changes. At that time I used to think that it is love. But then eventually I realized I was falling in love with every Tom, Dick and Harry much later I considered it as infatuation or its just a crush. As a young adult, I was away from this and enjoyed focusing on earning some money.
In our life span, we come across many people and each one of them is present in our life for a reason. If they have done well to us they are our friends if they have done bad to us they have indirectly done well to us as we learn from our experience.
In our Indian culture, we women are brainwashed with that our groom or a prince will come in our life, marry us, love us eternal and we will be happy ever after. 

Somewhere in the year 2018, I received a gift, two books written by Dr Brian Weiss, a psychiatrist by profession and past life regression therapist. While reading his work my subconscious mind provoked my question of how to find out my soulmate. Although I'm very reluctant to get myself hypnotized to find my answer I'm sure one day I will find the answer. It may be my current life husband, or maybe someone else. But I'm very confident that there is someone. 
Over the years I have learnt and realized that our soul family is divided into three categories,  part one includes our grandparents, parents, siblings, our relatives by blood and children. Part two includes our spouse whom we choose to give our wows to and our true friends who have entered our life with a blink, all of a sudden and accompanied us in the ups and downs of our life. The third part is our soulmate or I should say our twin flame our other half, our better half or the prince/princess of our dreams. In the 5D world or spiritual world when the soul is split in two and enters the 3D world or materialistic world it's called twin flames. We may be continents apart but we will surely cross paths in our every lifetime. With every lifetime the roles of our soul family will change. My present lifetime children may have been my grandparents in a previous life. But my twin flame will always remain my twin flame in every lifetime. We may not talk to each other for long periods, we may be committed to our spouse and family, but we will connect with each other just like an electromagnetic wave in the spiritual world. 

What is a twin flame? 

A twin flame is a very special soulmate connection. You share the same immediate over-soul. To create polarity consciousness on 3-D Earth, your over-soul chose two separate expressions of itself, one male and one female, each perfectly balanced and complementary to the other. The two soul aspects may incarnate together, or one may remain on the Other Side (next dimensional level) while the other descends into this level of consciousness. You and your twin flame are perfectly complementary, like two sides of the same coin. These two individuals, possessing the same soul, are intuitively aware of each other, and spend a lifetime looking for the other.

The purpose of your twin flame is to guide and ballast, giving you both direction and balance while you are here in physical form. For instance, if you are female, or embody female characteristics, then your twin flame is comprised of male characteristics. You are perfect expressions of yin-yang energies. Your twin will push and pull you through learning curves. A meeting with your twin here on Earth would profoundly accelerate your spiritual growth.

What are the connection and the chances of the meeting?

The soul is multidimensional and therefore has multiple twin flames; however, the portion of your soul that is incarnated here has only one twin flame.

It used to be rare to have both halves of the over-soul incarnated here on Earth at the same time, but that’s changing. With our imminent expansion of consciousness into 5D, more twin flames are choosing to reunite here on Earth. Still, the chance of meeting your twin flame is slim. That doesn’t mean you can’t connect with your twin flame via spiritual methods.

Relationship with your twin flame:-
You cannot hide anything from your twin flame. All aspects of your being, both light and dark, are transparent to your twin. That means anything that isn’t resolved, healed or in balance will rise to the surface when you’re together. This can be overwhelmingly intense if you haven’t worked through your issues before meeting your twin. That’s why most twins have chosen not to incarnate together.

The twin flame connection transcends this Earthly realm and is therefore absolutely permanent. That being said, twin flame relationships here on Earth do not always last due to the intensity of the bond and the yin-yang nature of your two souls. The duration, therefore, depends greatly on timing and soul preparation.

Other relationships may involve seeking your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this incarnation. A twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, yet at the same time, each twin flame is a complete soul. They form a complete balance of the male and female energies. Your previous relationships were also soul contracts to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin flame, you’ll know it immediately.

Some twin flames aren’t here in this incarnation. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t get married or have children because your twin flame (in the ethereal realms) wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this incarnation, as well as to learn as many life lessons to help your spiritual growth. He or she is still part of your soul group but decided not to join you in this incarnation. Don’t take it personally! They’re still with you in heart and in spirit.
It’s also important to remember that some twin flames remain on the other side to provide you with help and spiritual guidence. Some souls decided to come here without them because they “heard the call” and they knew they were needed here in this incarnation. Please keep in mind that not everyone from your soul group will incarnate at the same time!