Life after Marriage, parenting, women empowerment, voice for womanhood - Sarrahblog
Wednesday, June 10, 2020
Gifts by God - Sarrah blog
Wednesday, May 27, 2020
Women Empowerment and Her Periods.
Periods:- Your body's monthly visitor. But no matter how many times that visitor stops by, menstruation /periods remain a taboo topic around the globe.
Few days back I came across this particular video which conveyed a message that we women no more be ashamed of saying and accepting that we get our periods every month.
As a matter of fact, many women who are in their periods are not allowed to be in the kitchen or attend ritual practices, according to a 2016 Hindustan Times.

Friday, October 18, 2019
Surprisingly Twins- Sarrah blog
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Think Outside The Box - Sarrah blog
Usually, parents purchase some time from their kids by saying "I will answer you later " either because they are busy or they don't know the answer. In my case, I knew the answer but didn't know how to explain the same. I had no option, but to distract his mind and get talking with another topic.
We reached home and little did the time pass, again I was shot back with the same question, "what's the difference between Patel's and petals?" I abruptly repeated the answer, that's when one of my older sons said, "mummy it's just the placement of an A and E."
That's when I understood that, what we have learned in our lives is correct but what our children are exploring is much more the worth.
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Mom Stories - Sarrah Blog
When I was a kid and did any sort of mischief, my grandmother would end up saying "when you will have children you will learn the lesson." It's been more than nine years of my motherhood and I'm just trying to figure out, which lesson she was talking about because I have learned many lessons till now.
With my 1st pregnancy and that too twin, initially, I was very excited but once I reached my sixth month and looked like nine months pregnant, all difficulties started to pop up in sitting, standing, etc. I started thinking, when will these two come out so I can be at little peace. That's when I got an advice from my friend.
Sarrah with each passing phase of motherhood you will feel that the previous phase was so easy and since you are finding the current phase difficult you will wish when will your kids grow up. Just accept the current phase and go with the flow.In my mind, I was thinking "she has just one child and I'm pregnant with two" Well when these two gentlemen came out, I realized what my friend had said was right; be it one or two how does it matter? 😂
When we have children one after the other, I guess it's much easier to solve their arguments among them by saying son you are big you understand or you are small so you say sorry.
At my place, we exactly have a court of justice, with a judge that is me, culprit that is my one child, victim my another child, an eye witness my third child. Victims and the culprit play the roles of lawyers too. After a long session of hearing.......... Of course the judgment.........and that's how the problem is solved to an extent. Yes, I have three children now!
Parenting is one role that is full of responsibilities. As a mother, we are expected to be perfect with everything related to our children. We are expected to pull off the roles of teacher, nurse, cook, driver, etc. with perfection without the realization that we are also humans and we too can make mistakes. This gradually leads to an unwanted burden on us. We do not realize this makes our mind, body, and soul weak. We lose the ability to make correct decisions for ourselves and our children. We forget to love and live for ourselves.
I can not deny the fact that one will give only what he or she has. In our busy lives, we should learn to love ourselves, so that, we are not dependent on anyone's love and we can easily pass on this love to our children.
Periods:- Your body's monthly visitor. But no matter how many times that visitor stops by, menstruation /periods remain a taboo to...
Story Of A Cap Being born and brought up in a typical Indian culture of the 1980s and 1990s, I always thought it's difficult for a fathe...
When I was a kid and did any sort of mischief, my grandmother would end up saying " when you will have children you will learn the ...